Online Application How did you hear about us? Social Media Word of mouth Family / Friends Internet Search Nursery Billboard Student’s First Name Middle Name Last / Family Name Student's Gender Male Female Religion Muslim Christian Other Nationality(ies) Date of birth Country of birth City of birth Mother Tongue(s) (Language(s) spoken at home) Other languages and levels of proficiency (Excellent/Good/ Fair) Other languages and levels of proficiency (Excellent/Good/ Fair) Siblings Names (if applicable) Siblings Names (if applicable) Siblings Names (if applicable) Siblings Birth Siblings Birth Siblings Birth Applying to UIS (Y/N) Applying to UIS (Y/N) Applying to UIS (Y/N) Home Address Favorite Sport(s) Hobbies/Interests Current School Academic year(s)/s Attended Curriculum Type (IB, US, UK, Egyptian, other) Previous School Academic year(s)/s Attended Curriculum Type (IB, US, UK, Egyptian, other) Father First Name Middle Names Family Name Occupation Education Company Name Nationality(ies) Mobile Number Home Office Marital Status Married Divorced Widow Other Email Mother First Name Middle Names Family Name Occupation Education Company Name Nationality(ies) Mobile Number Home Office Office Address Marital Status Married Divorced Widow Other Email Does your child have any physical disabilities, learning difficulties, or medical issues that may affect their experience at UIS? (Please provide any supportive documentation.) Has your child ever been assessed by a psychologist (inside or outside school) or any other specialists concerned with child development? (If yes, please provide a copy of the report(s) Yes No Has your child ever received any form of learning support at school, in a center, or at home? Yes No Has your child ever been assessed and/or received help in the following areas within or outside school? Speech and Language Learning Difficulty Emotional / Behavioural ADD / ADHD None Other (Please Specify) UIS Agreement UIS Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) Admissions Agreement I/We agree: 1. All information in the application form and on required documents is accurate and true 2. To be interviewed as part of the admissions process 3. To allow my/our child to be interviewed and assessed as part of the admissions process 4. The school may require additional assessments to be conducted by qualified external organizations at parent(s) and/or guardian(s) expense in order to determine if a child will be enrolled 5. The school will not process the application until the Application Form is fully completed and all required documents have been provided. Name of Parent(s) Send